Pipefitters Local 597 Collective Bargaining Agreement


Pipefitters Local 597 Collective Bargaining Agreement: An Overview

Pipefitters Local 597 is a union that represents more than 6,000 members in the piping industry in and around Chicago, Illinois. The union has been in existence since 1902 and has a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with various contractors and employers in the industry.

This article will provide an overview of the Pipefitters Local 597 Collective Bargaining Agreement, including its purpose, provisions, and benefits.


The CBA between Pipefitters Local 597 and the contractors/employers is a legally binding agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for pipefitters. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a fair and equitable working environment for pipefitters while ensuring the employers have a reliable and skilled workforce.


The CBA contains provisions related to wages, benefits, and working conditions. Let’s take a closer look at each of these provisions:

Wages: The CBA outlines the hourly wages that pipefitters will receive based on their experience and job classification. The agreement also includes provisions related to overtime pay, holiday pay, and weekend pay.

Benefits: Pipefitters covered under the CBA are entitled to a variety of benefits, including healthcare, dental, vision, and pension plans. The agreement also includes provisions related to disability and life insurance.

Working Conditions: The CBA includes provisions related to working conditions, such as safety requirements, job site locations, and working hours. It also outlines the procedures for scheduling and assigning work, payment for non-working time, and the use of subcontractors.


The benefits of the Pipefitters Local 597 Collective Bargaining Agreement are significant for both the employees and the employers. Here are some of the key benefits:

For Employees: The CBA provides job security, fair wages, and benefits that are paid for by the employer. It also provides opportunities for training and skill development, which can lead to career advancement.

For Employers: The CBA ensures a skilled and reliable workforce, reduces turnover, and provides a structured framework for managing human resources. It also helps to prevent labor disputes and provides a consistent set of rules and regulations for all employees.


In conclusion, the Pipefitters Local 597 Collective Bargaining Agreement is a vital component of the piping industry in and around Chicago. The agreement provides a fair and equitable working environment for pipefitters while ensuring the employers have a skilled and reliable workforce. The provisions related to wages, benefits, and working conditions are designed to benefit both the employees and the employers. Overall, the CBA is an excellent example of how unions and employers can work together to create a productive and stable working environment.